You Shouldn't Be Doing This On Instagram in 2022

Here is a list of outdated Instagram strategies that you don't have to be wasting your time on anymore.

Outdated Instagram Strategies

Let's get into it first strategy. We all know the follow-unfollow method. Stop doing that. If you don't know what the follow-unfollow method is, it's basically where you follow a bunch of people to hopefully get their attention and they follow you back, and then when they follow you back you unfollow them. We are all just trying to grow on Instagram and people trying to get other people's hopes up and playing with their feelings, playing with their hearts, playing with their goals, and dreams. Stop teasing each other.

After that are the engagement groups. When you receive a direct message urging you to join similar-minded people who are expanding their following just like you, but you don't. If you're unfamiliar with engagement groups, they are a collection of people who join together in a group and message. They're generally in your specialty, and you're forced to publish alongside each other's material to fool the system. In so many respects, these organizations are meaningless. First and foremost, it is a waste of time. You devote all of your attention to interacting with individuals in your pod rather than those in your target audience.
If you owned a thousand acres of land, are you going to build this tiny 500-square-foot home? No, you'd want to use all of the property that you have. So get rid of borders on posts, and start using the full dimensions that Instagram gives us to capture people's attention. A photo that's in the square crop instead of the portrait crop doesn't perform well.
The fourth strategy that we want to mention is publishing every day. If you can post every day, then do so. However, there is unnecessary pressure on people to publish every day. To grow on Instagram, you don't have to post every day. You may build your own consistency and publish whatever you want.
The next strategy to leave behind us is using hashtags and stories. You can absolutely use hashtags and stories for fun, like hashtag no filter. But to try and strategically use hashtags to increase your reach, is just not a thing anymore. Right now that's not something Instagram is pushing. If you look up a hashtag right now you don't even see the stories option. So trying to use hashtags in your stories to increase reach, we could leave that behind us.
The next approach to avoid is hiding up your posts or reels when inserting them into your story. This happens a lot when someone has a new article or clip and wants to share it with their tales. They'll share it, post it on their stories, and then put a giant gif or gif in front of it so you can't see it. This is similar to the clickbait title fad that YouTube had a few years ago when everyone said they bought a new automobile and then hired a car for a day. At this point, everyone is simply so quick to move on.
Our attention span is very short, so if we see something and it's going to be inconvenient for us to go out of our way, we're just not into it anymore. On top of that, covering up your reels might actually get people to skip past your stories faster, telling Instagram the viewer retention rate like how long they stayed on your story. For that viewer retention rate was low so the story is not important. If you leave your reel uncovered and people watch your reel all the way through in your stories, one you get those views, and two it tells Instagram hey this is a great story, people are watching this story all the way through instead of skipping forward, so you get like double boosts. You get the views and you get that extra oomph from Instagram.
The next approach we'll leave behind is utilizing periods to separate your captions. We don't need to include periods, dots, emojis, or anything else between our paragraphs to space out our captions. It's just no longer required.
Another approach to abandon is tagging a million individuals in your postings, even if they are unrelated. That is no longer a viable tactic. It is important to tag relevant persons. For example, if you have a desk and want to tag the person who constructed it. You might tag them accordingly. But tagging several other major creators whose audiences you're hoping to attract just doesn't work anymore.
So, how many of these strategies have you been doing to gain followers? Is there any way that you have been following to get organic followers? Comment down and share it with other fellows.