Want to Increase Instagram Followers?

Let's keep this simple. You are looking for more Instagram followers, but you want them to be real people, people who are interested in the type of thing that your account is about. There are kind of two ways of doing this, and they work differently for different niches, so make sure you stick around for both. Now just as we get into this, I want you to think of this a little bit like the Instagram equivalent of networking at an event or something like that. For the first way that we're going to do this, I want you to go to your Instagram account and when you go to the search bar at the top, I want you to type in a hashtag that relates to your niche. Pick a big one, so there are lots of posts.

How to Increase Instagram Followers

For example, if I search for a landscape photography hashtag, I will choose landscape photography. The folks that use this hashtag are the precise sort of people who would be interested in my account. If you work out, use a fitness-related hashtag. It might be a fitness hashtag, a boxing hashtag, a Crossfit hashtag, or if it's food-related, you can use the hashtag food, but you have to be very specific with that. Try to keep the hashtag as large as possible so that more people will use it.

If you look at the hashtag, the first ones you see are the most recent postings, but if we move to the recent tab, these are the most current posts. Some users will have posted in the previous few minutes, while others will have posted in the recent few seconds, implying that these people are likely monitoring their accounts right now. They're presumably holding their phone. This is significant. You could simply go through this list and spam-like everything, but you risk getting action banned or shadowbanned, and that's not the correct mindset to have when networking at an event, in my view. As a result, it is not the appropriate mindset for interacting with others.

The right thing to do, and the way that I'm going to explain is to go down the list, and when something looks good, something that you like, go to the post and give it a like. When you feel like you have an opinion on one of these posts, share it in a comment, and remember we're networking, so if the person has shared their name publicly use it in your comment. Speak to them like a human. This will likely prompt people to comment back, and they might check out your account. If your account is followable, they might just hit that follow button. You know, not everybody will, but some might, and over time if you keep doing this, you will start connecting with people. You will already have built up a slight relationship with this person because they will remember you as the person who commented on their post.

I'll talk more about making your account followable to increase the chances of someone hitting the follow button. Remember to be a human. There is nothing wrong with using strategies like this to connect with lots of people. That's what these platforms are for, but when you start to act like a robot, that's when problems arise, and that's when Instagram will ban you, and that's when I will think that you're not being a good person.

So in the hashtag, we were just looking at the kind of mirror accounts, the people sharing content just like ours. But how do you find fans of the content that we make? If you think about it, those were all photographers. If we're looking for someone interested in something but don't create that content, how do we do that? Because they haven't got posts. So I want you to go to the same kind of hashtags, big ones, and go to the recent tab.

Pick something similar to what you do, if you see an image that looks like the kind of thing that you do, pick that. It'd be good if you could find one that is quite recent. Now if you go to that post and tap on the likes, you will see a list of interested people in that post. It means they might be interested in your content, and just like before, my opinion is that if you spam follow and spam like all of these accounts, that is the wrong thing to do, and you risk being shadowbanned, and you risk being a bad person. But if you go down these accounts, and when you see something that you kind of connect with or someone who you think is interesting, and you go and like a few of their images and leave a comment, that may not be weird. When you see the opportunity to connect with people, avail it. People will come over to your account, and if they see things that they like and if your account is followable, they may hit that follow button.

What I'm explaining is how to find other humans, and how to interact with other humans. We do need to remember that this social media thing is just lots of humans trying to communicate, and we all want engagement. If liking and commenting on other humans' posts feels like hard work, then remember that's what you want others to do for you. Bear that in mind when you're starting. Another option of course is just to make loads of reels. You can comment down as well and introduce yourself. Some people might love to connect with you.

How did you like these ideas to increase Instagram followers with real people, not bots? Comment down and do tell us.